Barrel Selections
Private barrel selections can be some of the most enjoyable experiences in American whiskey. At the same time there’s simply never enough around to meet demand. For that reason we are proud to have developed the Taters Barrel Select Club. The program allows Taters to strike a balance between rewarding our members for supporting our charitable mission while also spreading awareness of that mission by sending our bottles out into the public.
We are currently closed for new members at this time. However, we manage a wait list for new members as well as for opportunities that exceed our membership numbers! Sign up here for our Taters Barrel Select Club wait list.
If we collaborate on a barrel selection you can expect the bottle to reflect the humor and creativity that the tater in all of us demands. You can also expect a darn good whiskey! We know that the “hunt” is tough out there. So we’re doing our best to find not only popular bottles, but also under the radar products that are worthy of the Taters label. Indeed, whiskey is for sharing and the bottles reflect those shared experiences both on the labels themselves as well as the Northeast Indiana establishments that collaborate with Taters.
The proliferation of secondary markets often leads to long lines of bourbon hunters ready to send products outside of the community at exorbitant prices. At Taters we work with area purveyors to help ensure that those great barrels stay in our community. Instead of lining flipper’s pockets from the secondary markets Taters provides an avenue for those most in need to benefit from the bourbon boom!
Keep an eye out on those shelves and charity events. You never know when one might pop up!