Charity Support
Since whiskey is a drink meant to be shared among friends, we think Taters is a spirit meant to be shared with the community. Pun intended. The charitable purpose underlies everything we do. If we help an establishment select a barrel, you can expect bottles to be used for charity. When we host an event, a charity will benefit. If another organization runs a charitable event, we want Tater members to be involved.
Using our favorite libation to help support donor intent is very important to us. Our Director of Tater Relations works with taters to ensure that charitable contributions meet those needs; and flexibility is what makes Taters, Inc. work. Formed as a charitable corporation, we can work directly with supporting charities to collaborate on fundraising opportunities. Taters, Inc. (EIN 86-2523916) is a public charity under the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
In support of our mission to harness the enthusiasm and generosity of the bourbon world, we have also created the Hoosier Spirit Fund. In conjunction with the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne, the fund allows your tax deductible contributions to benefit the charitable organizations that could benefit from your generous spirit the most; forwarding the vision of the Community Foundation as a catalyst for community improvement, promoting philanthropic and strategic partnerships to enhance our quality of life!
The whiskey bandwagon is rolling along. Let’s use that craze for a better purpose!