Taters Inc. Spirit of Giving - Tater Games!
You can view the highlights of our Tater Games here!
As "luck" would have it Taters actually held two Spirit of Giving events in 2022. The first having come following some delays caused by Mother Nature and…well…a pandemic. Since a Tater is never deterred from their mission, this winter finally allowed us to reenvision our annual fundraising event and align it with the giving season. Indeed, what better way to embrace our mission than to play Tater Games to raise money for charities during the holiday season!
This year our Board pulled out all the stops to not only make a great fundraising event with food and drinks, but to also use the enthusiasm of the bourbon community with a photo booth and interactive games to go along with whiskey samples and a silent auction.
Of course we couldn't have done it without our great event partners. Pine Valley Country Club once again provided an outstanding venue and service to accommodate or guests. While many of our auction items were donated by the Board, Taters Committee members, and other generous Taters, Belmont Beverage also provided us with several bottles at retail price for the night.
We were pleased to have the support of our local liquor distributors Republic National, Southern Glazers, and Crossroad Vintners who donated their time and treasure by pouring samples for the night!
By all accounts, the Spirit of Giving event was a big success based upon the happy Taters. The numbers from the event back up the success story as well. We were able to donate Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) to the Community Foundation for the Hoosier Spirit Fund, and Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to the Allen County Christmas Beauru.
Back by popular demand was our Choose Your Charity Option for several of our auction items. Winning bidders were allowed to select the charity that would benefit from their auction proceeds. It's certainly great to see our Taters support staples such as American Cancer Society and Community Harvest Food Bank, but we were also able to support other causes such as The Rescue Mission and Operation Underground Railroad.
Given the season, our Board felt that support for the Allen County Christmas Bureau was a fitting charity partner. Like Taters, the Bureau is a low budget operation that runs a tight ship that allows them to focus their efforts on assisting needy families with gifts for Christmas. What a better way to spread the Christmas Spirit!
The 2nd Annual Tater’s Spirit of Giving brings a fantastic close to 2022 where our organization and the community that supports us raised over $40,000 for local charities and supported many local causes.
As we embark on 2023 with more barrel picks, events, and fundraisers, we invite you to join us for a pour and to celebrate the Spirit that brings us together.
The Board of Taters, Inc.