Tater Review: Henry McKenna 10-Year Single Barrel Bottled-in-Bond
Henry McKenna 10 - photo by Matt Hakey
Henry McKenna has traditionally been a shelf-sitting bourbon that was readily available. It was an enigma in today’s bourbon market, given its 10-year age statement, its $40 price tag, and the fact that it is bottled-in-bond. This was the case until it shocked the world at the 2019 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, where it won the most prestigious award: Best in Show Whiskey, which had traditionally been reserved for rare or high-dollar whiskeys. The award and the price point made it prime for Tatering; thus, it quickly disappeared from store shelves as Taters scrambled to hoard this old whiskey and its newfound fame. In short, this McKenna was one hot poTater. Because it is a single barrel bourbon, there will be variation from barrel to barrel with this bottle.
Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s hear what the distiller says first:
This high proof, Bottled-in-Bond Bourbon was named for Henry McKenna, the Irish immigrant who adapted his family’s whiskey recipe to work with the grains he found in Kentucky. Henry McKenna is one of the longest aged Bottled-in-Bond whiskeys available today, resting in the barrel through 40 Kentucky seasons. Critics agree that this is perfectly balanced bourbon.
Warm golden amber
Vanilla, caramel, oak, and a light herbaceous note
Smooth oak, sharp spices, honey, and sweetness
Long, sweet, and spicy
100 Proof
10 years
The bottle we tried had the classic vanilla and caramel notes on the nose (we didn’t get the herb…we’ll leave that to Colorado); it was sweet and spicy on the palate, with a warm, long finish. Sadly, we may never know how this bottle stacks up against the Best in Show. The prime 2019 bottle that most Taters tatered for - incidentally handpicked for and consumed by the San Francisco judges - is, unfortunately, long gone. Even so, this bourbon, especially for its $40-50 price point, packs a great punch and delivers complex flavors that are even a value at most secondary prices.
As a bonus, the bottles are dated with their “Barreled On” date, and make a great Tater option if you cannot find the horsey bottle to commemorate the birth of your Tater Tot.
VERDICT: 4 Taters
5 Taters: Load that bunker. The kids can pay for their own college.
4 Taters: You’d better have a bottle to keep around.
3 Taters: I’ve been wanting to try it, I guess I’ll snag a bottle.
2 Taters: What’s better than drinking your own whiskey? Drinking your friend’s.
1 Tater: Maybe today is just a beer run.